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Free Webinar: Global Issues in Medication Management: Implications for Home Health Nurses

International Guidelines for Home Health Nursing

Important Information - Download

International Guidelines for Home Health Nursing - Download

Clinician Education Resources

Skin Care Algorithm Best Practices in Pressure Injury PreventionAHRQ: Click Here

Caring For Patients Who Are Homeless

With permission from Wolters Kluwer Permissions Team, we can post the following article written by one of the International Home Care Nurses Organization board members. Denise M. Mcenroe-Petitte PhD, MSN, RN writes that nurses interact with patients across many settings. This article discusses concerns for patients considered homeless and the role of nurses in addressing their healthcare needs.

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Infusion therapy: A model for safe practice in the home setting.

Lisa A. Gorski RN, MS, HHCNS-BC, CRNI, FAAN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, is a colleague of IHCNO board members. With permission, we are happy to post this article published in American Nurse Journal. Copyright © 2020. HealthCom Media. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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Additional Articles

With permission from Home Healthcare Now, we are happy to provide the following articles:

The Ventilator-Dependent Child Best Practices for Educating Home Care Nurses - Download

Innovative and Successful Approaches to Improving Care Transitions From Hospital to Home - Download

Health Professionals’ Perception of Risk When Care is Given in Patients’ Home - Download

Adapting The Joint Commission’s Seven Foundations of Safe and Effective Transitions of Care to Home - Download

The Ventilator-Dependent Child What Every Home Care Nurse Needs to Know - Download

Patient Education Resources

How to Take Care of Dry Skin

This low-literacy patient education resource was derived from Medline Plus, U.S. Library of Medicine 2017. - Download

Changes and Care of Aging Skin - Learn More

Archived Clinician/Patient Education Resources

Cardiovascular Resources

How to Obtain Accurate Blood Pressure Readings - Download

Healthy Heart Workbook (Basic plan for patients with cardiovascular problems; low health literacy, 13 pages)

English - Download

Chinese - Download

Russian - Download

Spanish - Download

Vietnamese - Download

Medication Resources

Clinician resource:

Assess patient’s knowledge of their medications. - Download

Assess patient’s risk for non-adherence. - Download

Helping Older Adults Improve Their Medication Experience (HOME) by Addressing Medication Regimen Complexity in Home Healthcare. - Read More

Ensuring Effective Medication Reconciliation in Home Healthcare. - Read More

Patient Education Resources:

Medication Record Tool to help patients take right med, right does, right time.

English Low Literacy Med Schedule - Download

Chinese Low Literacy Med Schedule - Download

Russian Low Literacy Med Schedule - Download

Spanish Low Literacy Med Schedule - Download

Vietnamese Low Literacy Med Schedule - Download

Diabetes Resources

Clinician Resource:

Diabetes Medication Reference for Clinicians. Courtesy of HHQI.

Patient Education Resources:

Diabetic Zone Tools in various languages. Zone Tools use the colors of a traffic light to guide patients in managing chronic health problems. The tool is divided into green (“all clear”), yellow (“caution”), and red (“medical alert”) zones. For each zone, the tool provides signs and symptoms and allows the health care provider to give specific instructions for managing the condition, including guidance on when to seek emergency medical assistance. Resources are courtesy of HHQI.

English - Download

Chinese - Download

Russian - Download

Spanish - Download

Vietnamese - Download

Poster Archive:  

IHCNO Board Members Present Posters at Conferences

 Sigma Theta Tau International 

Nursing Research Conference 

July 22, 2022 

Edinburgh, Scotland 


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